It was on December 29, 1998 that the Drew Family Foundation for Children was established making this the 25th anniversary. Dan Drew shared some numbers about the impact that the Foundation has had. There have been 157 grants to 98 different charities, totaling $59,000. One of the founding ideas and hopes of the foundation was to involve the family and pass on the spirit of philanthropy. Granting to 98 different charities proves that the foundation has accomplished exactly that.
To celebrate the anniversary, there will be two separate opportunities do donate. The first one will be to help add to the Foundation by donating in increments of 25 ($0.25, $2.50, $25). No amount is too small and is a great opportunity to begin including the younger generation and helping them realize they can help make a difference. There will be a jar at the picnic for donations.
The second opportunity to donate is a donation to the Harvest House Baby and Children’s Ministry. Items such as clothing, diapers, etc can be brought to the reunion and Aunt Mary, Clare, and Erin have offered to coordinate delivery of the items. If you would like to donate used items such as cribs, high chairs, etc you can see Harvest House Children Ministries website for drop off locations.
Please participate in these donations as you feel drawn to. Every little bit helps which is demonstrated in what the Foundation has done in the 25 years since it has been established. As the family that Hank and Connie Drew began all those years ago continues to grow, the Foundation will continue to impact communities and people in need.